Best Places To Meet Transgenders In Mexico

Transgenders Mexico travesti shemale escort Playa del Carmenn

The best places to meet transgenders in Mexico include some of the best LGBT friendly bars, live drag shows, and tranny prostitute hot spots around the country. We will be giving info on eight of the largest and most visited cities in the country here.

It is important to remember that in most Spanish speaking countries, this one included, the main words people use to refer to transsexuals are either shemale or travesti. We went with the more PC version of transgenders in Mexico, but when you look around online expect to see shemale if it is an English site or travesti if it is a Spanish website.

Before we go city by city mentioning the best trans hot spots in each we would like to give a brief introduction on what trying to meet transgenders is like. Anyone who has ever been out on the prowl will probably agree with our assessment.

We will also be mentioning certain places to meet ts prostitutes, even though we don’t promote prostitution we know many guys are interested in having a quick one off sexual experience. We won’t be linking directly to any online escort services, but will mention some known travesti prostitution zones in a few cities.

The best ts online dating site in the world will also be mentioned. It is not super popular in Mexico yet but as more transgenders continue to come out the numbers will increase, and if you are looking for a serious relationship with a hot trans it will be the easiest place to find one.

There have also been quite a few searches for trans strip clubs around the country but we are not aware of any at the moment. Rest assured that if some open up this post will have the info added.

LGBT Nightlife Has No Guarantees

Anyone who has ever tried to pick up transgenders in Mexico or anywhere knows that just because you mention the best LGBT friendly bars in a city you aren’t guaranteed to have great results. Often times the clientele will be 95% gay guys or lesbians, and 100% isn’t out of the question either.

The trans movement is certainly heading in the right direction but they are still the minority. You may need to hop from one LGBT friendly bar to another all night until you find what you are looking for.

We listed some of the best known pick up places in each city, and also tried to list any places that have live drag shows. We figure that if there is a drag show going on at a minimum you can hit on the sexy shemale cabaret performers, and hopefully there will be more hot ts girls in the crowd to chat up as well.

A couple more ways to maximize your chances would be to check the links listed here and see if they have any upcoming trans specific events or parties. Or see what night they put on the drag shows. Also ask around when you are at Mexico LGBT bars to see if there are any underground parties that you need to know about.

Now we will list the best info we have for eight of the cities people are most likely to visit. If you have any other info on where to meet Mexican trans please leave it in the comments and we will add it to the lists. Some of the bigger cities have already been covered on this site and if you want to read more on them you can click the links given.

Mexico City LGBT In Zona Rosa

Many cities in this country have a Zona Rosa or red light district. This isn’t usually a red light district that involves prostitutes, though it can be, but it is often just the main nightlife area in town. It is always a good place to party, and many will have plenty of LGBT friendly bars in it.

When looking for transgenders in Mexico City that is the case. Some of your best trans friendly bars and nightclubs that often have live drag shows would be:

There is also a pretty big tranny street prostitute scene here. It kind of goes without saying but the red light areas aren’t safe so be careful so be careful if you visit.

Tranny Prostitutes In Tijuana

While we do not like to promote prostitution most of our readers come from the US and one of the main cities in this country they are likely to visit is Tijuana. There are many shemale prostitutes there and the main area to find them is nicknamed Tranny Island.

Once again, not a safe area, that will be a theme when it comes to tranny hooker hot spots but it is important enough to bear repeating. If you were looking to pick up some sexy Tijuana shemales that weren’t hookers you could try visiting some LGBT friendly bars, but in this city you shouldn’t ever be surprised if they expect to get paid:

There may be some Tijuana trans strippers at some bars around the city too.

Cancun Spring Break With TS

What would be better than partying in Cancun during spring break with some sexy Mexican ts girls. Nah, it doesn’t work like that. Most tourists are going to be staying in the Hotel Zone and that is not where the LGBT nightlife is at.

If you wanted to watch drag shows or party at some LGBT friendly bars you need to go to El Centro where you find bars like:

Hot Shemales In Puerto Vallarta

Might as well list all of the best beaches to meet Mexican shemales in a row and Puerto Vallarta comes next. These are very tourist and transient driven towns, you really never know what the party will be like when you show up on your trip.

With that said there are plenty of LGBT friendly bars to try to meet transgenders in Puerto Vallarta like:

Don’t be surprised if you see some ts prostitutes in the Puerto Vallarta nightlife areas trolling the streets trying to find a customer.

More Trans In Playa del Carmen

Cancun Puerto Vallarta transgender bars Mexico shemales

You probably won’t come across many street prostitutes in Playa del Carmen whether shemale or female. This is more of a family friendly place and they try to keep the area tourists go pretty clean.

We used to tell you that the best LGBT friendly bar to meet transgenders in Playa del Carmen and watch live drag shows was Club 69 but unfortunately it closed. If you know what the new TS hot spot is please reach out and let us know.

Not Many Shemales In Cabo San Lucas

The last touristy beach town we will cover is Cabo San Lucas and shemales are not too prevalent here. Chandeleiers Night Club is known to put on the best live drag show in the city.

The only other LGBT friendly bar to try and meet transgenders in Cabo San Lucas is Mandala, at least that we know of.

Drag Shows In Monterrey

Now that we are out of the tourist beach towns and back to some bigger cities we have a bit more info to give. There are quite a few bars with drag shows in Monterrey to meet shemales, plus there are many travesti street prostitutes in certain areas.

But if you want to try to hook up with shemales in Monterrey for free head to LGBT friendly bars like:

Unfortunately we recently had to delete Brut 33 from this list and that was a big hit to the local t girl scene.

Lots Of Shemales In Guadalajara

The last city we have to cover is known to be a pretty good place to meet shemales in Mexico. There is a large LGBT scene in Guadalajara and many transgenders are known to live here.

Once again the main nightlife area is known as Zona Rosa and Avenida Chapultepec is at the heart of it. You can watch live drag shows and try to meet sexy Mexican shemales in Guadalajara at these spots:

We also deleted Caudillos Galeana which was a great spot to meet shemales in your area if you were in Guadalajara.

Travesti Escort Services

A quick word on travesti online escort services in Mexico. Online prostitution is rampant in this country, it is also legal as long as both people are consenting adults. With that said it doesn’t mean you don’t have some things to worry about.

Be sure to always wear a condom with a transsexual prostitute. No matter if you pick them up off the street or if it is a travesti online escort from a reputable service don’t let them lead you to any unknown place. Do the deed at a hotel, love motel, or apartment of your choosing that you know has some security.

Don’t accept any drinks from prostitutes, and if you have a drink of your own keep an eye on it so that you do not give them a chance to drug you. We will not be linking you to any specific shemale escort services but they will not be hard to find.

There are many independent call girls on social media, particularly Twitter. You can also do a Google search for travesti escorts in Playa del Carmen, Puerto Vallarta, or shemale escorts in whatever city you find yourself in and have many options. However if you want to meet travestis online we suggest you use the site in our next section instead.

Meeting Mexican Transgenders Online

This country may not be quite as dangerous as the media has led you to believe but it still wouldn’t be classified as safe. When you are here you want to limit your risk, and trying to pick up tranny street prostitutes or shemale online escorts definitely isn’t minimizing risk.

On top of that how much does a quick one off sexual experience really satisfy you? Why not try to meet a sexy Mexican transgender online who you can have a real and genuine experience with?

The largest transgender dating site in the world is MyLadyboyDate and if you are going to find a good and decent trans in this country that will be the first place you should look. Many will be looking for a serious relationship or a life partner. Others will just want some casual dating and to hook up.

No matter what city you are in the first site you should be using is MyLadyboyDate. There are more ts users on this site than anywhere else in the world, who knows there might be many hot shemales in the city you are in right now just waiting for someone to contact them.

Now you know about the best places to meet shemales in Mexico, it is up to you to do something with the information.

Cabo San Lucas trans dating Mexico Guadalajara t4m

1 Response

  1. Kelly says:

    Love to meet a nice transgender lady who is coming from Latin America maybe I can help her yours Kelly

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